How Sloane & Company leveraged PRophet to increase media coverage

Solutions unlocked
Data management
Efficient pitching
PR language elevation

Public relations professionals face the constant challenge of ensuring that their messages break through the noise.

Here’s how Gary Koops, Senior Managing Director of Sloane & Company, harnessed the power of PRophet Earn to refine media pitches, streamline content creation, and align messaging with how journalists actually think and work.

“People look at PRophet as a pitch and placement tool. I look at it as part of our content strategy that starts right when you're mining a story, creating a story, thinking about how it fits into the existing landscape.”

Gary Koops
Senior Managing Director of Sloane & Company

Data overload

A typical Sloane & Company press release can contain over 30 data points, but journalists typically focus on just a few. This info needs to be distilled into its most impactful form.

Leveraging PRophet, Koops and his team analyzed the initial drafts of their press releases.

By examining current trends and discussions across digital, social, and television platforms, PRophet identified the three most relevant data points out of the initial 30—allowing Sloane & Company to redraft press releases to focus on the most compelling points.

Pitching inefficiency

With journalists receiving hundreds of pitches daily, ensuring that a pitch is noticed and deemed relevant is a significant hurdle. “Spray and pray” doesn’t quite cut it.

Sloane & Company used PRophet to swiftly identify and reach the most relevant reporters and media angles.

"The biggest complaint reporters have is ‘you don't actually know what I write about or what I put on air,’” Koops says. “PRophet has helped us here.”

Language misalignment

SubtitleCompanies frequently use specific jargon in their press releases, which may not align with the more evocative language preferred by journalists, resulting in missed opportunities to grab a writer’s interest.

PRophet helped identify the exact language journalists were using to describe similar concepts.

By analyzing a year’s worth of press releases through PRophet, Sloane & Company gained a better understanding of how media was already talking about the focus of their pitches. These insights led to a strategic adjustment in messaging.

“Getting the language right matters. It needs to be human, relatable, usable,” Koops says. “We sometimes get caught in PR-speak, and PRophet has helped us bring the language down [to align with] the way journalists relate to their readers, viewers, and followers.”

The result was a 20% increase in media coverage over six to eight months, as the adjusted language resonated more with journalists and their audiences.

“I still believe in the old school way of doing things, but we have to evolve.”

Gary Koops
Senior Managing Director of Sloane & Company

About Sloane & Company

Founded in 1998, Sloane & Company is an industry-leading strategic communications firm that operates as an independent subsidiary of public affairs firm SKDK. They work with companies of all sizes, from some of the most prominent and recognizable Fortune 10 companies to small-cap firms and start-ups.
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