June 11, 2024

10 ways Stagwell Marketing Cloud can change how you work

Real use-cases for this suite of products built by marketers, for marketers.

Stagwell Marketing Cloud isn’t just one thing; it’s a network of AI-powered products that can work in tandem to help researchers, creatives, publicists, and other marketing and communications professionals.

That sounds great—but it can be more illuminating to walk through specific use cases.

Let’s take a look at some of the many ways that Stagwell Marketing Cloud can actually work for your business.

1. Gathering rapid survey data to inform marketing decisions: QuestDIY

Your Brooklyn-based snack brand is looking to launch a line of organic CBD gummies.

First, you want to get a data-driven handle on your potential consumer base in the Midwest. How familiar are they with CBD? Would they prefer citrus flavors, or would licorice hit harder?

With QuestDIY, you can build and deploy impactful surveys in mere minutes, and receive actionable feedback within hours. The platform’s AI assistant can help you craft the right questions, and an intuitive interface allows you to target the perfect respondents.  

Learn more about how QuestDIY can get you the survey results you need, at scale.

2. Testing creative ad assets before you launch them: SmartAssets

If you’re building an ad for Facebook, you’ve got no choice other than generating a handful of creative versions, and then endlessly A/B testing them to determine which one actually works. Right?

Actually, it doesn’t have to be this way. SmartAssets uses generative AI to predict how assets will perform pre-flight, and before you’ve wasted time, effort, and budget on A/B testing.

What’s more, performance-enhancing tweaks to creative can be made automatically, within the platform.  

Learn more about how SmartAssets can perfect your creative messaging.

3. Landing the perfect pitch with a journalist: PRophet Earn

“I don’t have nearly enough press releases in my inbox,” said no journalist ever.

If you’re a publicist, cutting through the noise can feel impossible. And the time-honored “spray & pray” method—blasting your info everywhere at once, and hoping it sticks—is a swift way to alienate and annoy media.

PRophet Earn changes the public relations game by using AI to help you craft the perfect pitch, after which you can tap into an up-to-date network of journalists to discover who’s most likely to actually write about your news.

Learn more about how PRophet can sharpen your pitches and earn coverage.

4. Taking the headache out of focus group reporting: QuestAI

Setting up a great focus group is hard work, but it’s after the focus groups have ended that the true “fun” begins: transcribing hours of conversation, teasing out trends and sentiments, and squeezing actionable data out of all that effort.

QuestAI is a tool designed specifically to streamline this process.

Upload your moderator’s guide and it will sift through all the data to make topline reporting a breeze. You can also query the resulting data set as if it’s your own PrivateGPT.

Read more about how QuestAI can make focus group reporting less hellish.

5. Determining whether an influencer or content creator is “brand safe”: PRophet Influence

Your new vegan baby food brand is looking for the perfect content creator to spread your message. A quick trawl through TikTok turns up apparent gold: a buzzy 35-year-old plant-based chef named Amy, pet-parent of a Shiba Inu named Mr. Pookie.

Amy’s sponsored promo for your brand is performing well, until a trollish commenter digs up an old social post in which the chef rants about how much she hates—hates!—babies.

Vetting a content creator’s entire oeuvre is unrealistic for an ordinary human. But PRophet Influence uses AI to do it for you, noting any potential red flags before you ink a deal.

What’s more, it’s a fully end-to-end influencer marketing tool—helping you to discover the perfect content creators, confirm accurate (bot-free) follower counts, ensure brand safety, sign contracts, and edit creative assets in-platform.

Read more about how the 2024 Webby Award-winning PRophet Influence can help your brand find the right voices to spread your message.

6. Leverage AI to organize and access all your creative assets: SmartAssets

We mentioned above how SmartAssets uses GenAI to make predictions about asset performance before you waste time making and testing multiple iterations.

But it also doubles as a powerful tool to help categorize, tag, and access past assets for your brand, cutting down on time spent hunting through random drives or file folders. And if you work in a heavily regulated industry like finance, SmartAssets can also automate how you deal with regulatory compliance in your marketing materials.

Read more about how SmartAssets can help you lean into AI and ditch your DAM.

7. Unpack the performance of digital media in a retail environment: The People Platform

Let's say you're an advertising network with ambitions to facilitate video advertising campaigns on thousands of digital retail screens across the U.S., from large digital billboards to smaller-scale placements at gas stations.

You'll need to have a grasp on who exactly is seeing those screens, and how long they're actually engaging with them.

The People Platform's audience-measurement capabilities can help you shine a light on this, as well as other data that uses location intelligence to track real-world consumer behavior.

Read more about what The People Platform’s tools can do.

8. Harness tons of data, all in one place, in order to build the perfect audiences: CUE

If you don’t have the right data, you end up chasing audiences you don’t fully understand. CUE provides an intuitive dashboard that synthesizes data from multiple sources, uncovering real-time consumer insights. It’s used by brands, agencies, and networks.

CUE helps you discover what your target demo is, and then create an audience persona to better understand where, when, and how you can reach them.

Let’s say you’re selling an energy drink that’s truly all-natural, without synthetic colors or flavors. CUE could unlock a rush of actionable data: hot keywords (“sober curious”); recommended budget allotments for social VS SEO; and insights on ideal brand partnerships.  

Learn more about how CUE can unlock audience insights.

9. Keeping a 24/7 eye on your brand’s health :QuestBrand

You’re in business to be the best. It helps to have an objective measure of how you’re doing, rather than relying on those less scientific standbys, “intuition & vibes.”

QuestBrand is an always-on tool that keeps tabs on the value of your brand by generating a daily “brand equity score” based on key indicators (momentum, consideration, quality, and familiarity).

This lets you gauge how your brand is stacking up against the competition, whether the ads you spent tens of thousands on are actually gaining traction, and much more.

Learn more about how QuestBrand (backed by the legacy might of the Harris Poll) can help.

10. Build an insight community to better understand your consumers: QuestIC

QuestIC can help build a vetted "insight community"—accessible via a bespoke online portal—that enables always-on access to people who are truly invested in your brand.

Run quick polls or longer surveys, organize consumer diaries, and offer perks and opportunities that keep your community feeling appreciated. Your insight community via QuestIC is a perfect complement to one-off, ad hoc surveys. This group stays active and engaged for the longer term. That opens the door for deep, qualitative insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and perceptions.

Learn more about how QuestIC can help uncover deep insights from those who care about your brand.

Interested in a demo of any facet of Stagwell Marketing Cloud, or an overview of the entire suite? We’d love to make that happen.

Scott Indrisek

Scott Indrisek is the Senior Editorial Lead at Stagwell Marketing Cloud

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